Women-Owned Brewery Spotlight: Otherwise Brewing in San Francisco, CA

Welcome to the first installment of our Women-Owned Brewery Spotlight series here at Work For Your Beer! Today, we are delighted to shine the spotlight on Otherwise Brewing, led by the remarkable Stellar Cassidy, Co-founder, and Chief Operating Officer.

Situated in San Francisco, CA, Otherwise Brewing is not just a brewery; it's a celebration of diversity, empowerment, and passion for craft beer.

Let's dive in and learn more about Stellar's journey in beer.

Stellar with Otherwise Brewing, women-owned brewery


Work For Your Beer (WFYB): How has being a women-owned brewery influenced your approach to brewing or running the business?

Stellar Cassidy (SC): We believe that beer should be as diverse as those who drink it and we are always considering alternative audiences and their perspectives when brewing a beer or making business decisions.

WFYB: That’s a great way to look at beer! Tell us… What challenges have you faced as a woman in the craft beer industry, and how have you overcome them?

SC: Personally, I’ve been underestimated, undermined, and bullied, which is something I would never want anyone to feel, especially in their place of work. As our team grows I make sure to instill practices, checkpoints, and discussions to make the work environment a safe space so that doesn’t happen to others. I also strive to empower other women and BIPOC-owned businesses in the space.

WFYB: We are so proud of you for continuing to empower others in the craft beer industry. We know how difficult that can be when you’re constantly undermined. Now, what is your proudest moment as a woman in craft beer?

SC: Opening our taproom! This had been a long dream of mine and it was a big step for us growing from a wholesale-only brand. Because we were so bootstrapped getting started, I had to do many of the renovations myself which proved to me that my skill set extended beyond what I had thought and that made me super proud to see projects get completed with my own set of hands.

WFYB: We love a good DIY! That has to feel really cool to see your vision come to life! Pivoting to beer…  What is your favorite beer your brewery has ever brewed?

SC: Guava Fresca Sour Ale.

WFYB: That sounds ahhhhmazing! 


WFYB: How does your brewery support the local community?

SC: We support platforms like Donation Match, which lists us as a company who donates products for local charities, non-profits, etc. We are also in the process of getting entertainment approved for our parklet so that we can support local musicians and artists and contribute to the vibrant neighborhood where our taproom lives. Lastly, whenever possible, we source our ingredients and services locally.

WFYB: Gotta support local! Love it! How do you foster a supportive and inclusive work culture within your brewery team?

SC: Open dialogue and regular check-ins and meetings, inclusive language, empowering the team to voice feelings and concerns.

WFYB: We love that you practice what you preach!

A heartfelt thank you to Stellar Cassidy for sharing her insights and experiences with us. We invite our audience to visit Otherwise Brewing, savor their exceptional brews, and experience firsthand the inclusive and vibrant community they have cultivated. 

Let's raise a glass to Otherwise Brewing and to all women-owned breweries making waves in the craft beer industry — here's to breaking barriers, fostering inclusivity, and enjoying great beer together! Cheers!


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