Cheers & Chat: How Kelsi AKA @thatonebeergal Works for Her Beer

Welcome to our "Cheers & Chat" series, where we introduce you to some incredible humans behind popular beer Instagram accounts.

This month, we spoke with @thatonebeergal, AKA Kelsi, who is based out of Central California. Kelsi has spearheaded the Work For Your Beer Wednesday movement, and she shares a bit about her beer journey and how she works for her beer each week.

@thatonebeergal AKA Kelsi and Work For Your Beer

Work For Your Beer: Let's dive right in. When and how did your craft beer journey begin? 

Kelsi: My sister and brother-in-law are the ones who got me on craft beer. They are about 5-6 years older than me so as soon as I was of age, I was going out to all their local breweries with them in Southern California (since I went to college down there). I was never really the “bar scene” type of gal in college so breweries were (and still are) perfect for me. Sharing conversations over beer and food with my family is what always made me come back for more of those fun times. My fiance and I brewery hop wherever we can, and it became our thing too!

WFYB: Do you remember what your "gateway beer" was? The first one you ever tried, that got you into all the rest?

K: Cerveza Fresca P.O.G. by El Segundo Brewing Company. (It is an IPA, of course.)

WFYB: So, would you say IPAs are your go-to style?

K: My go-to style of beer is FOR SURE IPAs, but to be more specific I love DIPAs, especially if they are dry-hopped. I actually just had a really good one called Salmon Says from Humble Sea Brewing Company. It is double dry-hopped with Citra, Galaxy, and Huell Melon. Super good!

WFYB: Okay, so, you're an IPA lover. But... is there a beer style that you just can't really get into? 

K: I have a hard time getting into Imperial Stouts. I don’t really like a super boozy beer and those usually are. I also just had a beer with added hot sauce, it was... not good... for me at least :)

WFYB: Let's transition from beer to breweries. What would you say is your favorite brewery in your area?

K: That is such a hard question... Oh, man! I would have to say Dust Bowl Brewing because they are special in my heart and have a huge influence on me for getting into craft beer, as well.

Contentment Brewing is also super special to me because they always treat me so well and are so fun to talk to! Atmosphere-wise has to go hands down to Contentment Brewing.

I also love Blaker Brewing! I can’t choose just one…

WFYB: What would you say is the coolest brewery that you ever visited? 

K: One of the coolest breweries I have been to is Common Space LA in Hawthorne, CA (Los Angeles). The artwork they have and just the whole setup is awesome!

WFYB: What’s one brewery (or beer) on your bucket list?

K: Great Notion Brewing is for sure on my bucket list! Beer would have to be Pliny the Younger from Russian River Brewing!

@thatonebeergal Kelsi Craft Beer

WFYB: If someone asked you to do a beer share today, what would be the beers you’d put in your mixed pack to share with them?

K: Some local beers from my favorite places! 

WFYB: What is your preferred way to Work For Your Beer? 

K: My preferred way to Work For My Beer is strength training and HIIT workouts! I also love going on walks and fishing! 

WFYB: Okay, final question: why do you love the Work For Your Beer mantra?

K: I love the Work For Your Beer mantra because we all know that drinking beer isn’t always the best for us (even though we love it). While working for my mind and body, I can enjoy the beer without the insecurities it may bring (me) at least.

I grew up an athlete and I have always been into fitness and I love that now, both my hobbies can combine as one with my Instagram and my fun #workforyourbeerwednesday posts!

Working out helps my mental health and makes me feel better so I love that Work For Your Beer really pushes you to work for your beer for yourself and to have some fun while doing it!

Work For Your Beer Wednesday, Kelsi @thatonebeergal

Thank you to Kelsi for taking the time to share her story with us here on the Work For Your Beer blog — and cheers to even more opportunities to chat with incredible members of the craft beer community!

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