Cheers & Chat: How Liz AKA @lizzyyy_10wolde Works for Her Beer
Welcome to our "Cheers & Chat" series. Here, you'll get to know some of the people behind the craft beer Instagram accounts we know and love, as well as what led them to become such an integral part of the craft beer community.
We continued last time with @brews.with.beerkowski.
We most recently spoke with @lizzyyy_10wolde — aka Lizzy TenWolde of Ithaca, NY. Read on to learn all about Lizzy's craft beer and fitness journey.

Work For Your Beer (WFYB): When (and how) did your craft beer journey begin?
Liz Tenwolde (LT): I didn’t get into craft beers until about four years ago. I actually had my interest piqued at a winery that also offered a small variety of craft beers. I wasn’t a huge beer drinker up until that point, but realizing I could get something that wasn’t your typical “lite” beer but also not an IPA was super exciting!
I started working at a local pub and had the opportunity to try rotating beers as we got them in to get my feet wet before I took the plunge into the INSANE craft beer world.
WFYB: Do you remember what your "gateway beer" was? The first one you ever tried, that got you into all the rest?
LT: The first craft beer that really had me hooked was the Apricot Wheat Beer from Ithaca Brewing Company. I loved how easy and non-aggressive this beer was as somebody who wasn’t (and still really isn’t) the biggest fan of IPAs, which seemed to be the majority of craft beers offered in my area. I also love that this beer can be used to make a KILLER pulled pork!
WFYB: What’s your go-to beer style? And what’s one beer in that style that you’d recommend trying?
LT: I am definitely a Hefeweizen girl! When in doubt at a bar or restaurant that doesn’t carry any of my typical beers, I pick a safety school Hefeweizen and have yet to be disappointed. My absolute favorite, however, is the UFO Line from Harpoon Brewing. The original is great, of course, but they also carry a raspberry Hefeweizen which is my favorite summer sipping beer.
WFYB: On the flip side, is there a beer style that you just can't really get into?
LT: I will probably be shunned for this, but to this day, I have yet to find an IPA that I ACTUALLY enjoy. There has been a very small handful that I can tolerate for a pint with friends or a can at a party (free is free, amirite?), but I just cannot get into what seems to be the most popular craft beer style.
WFYB: Let's talk about breweries. What would you say is your favorite brewery in your area?
LT: Of course I have to go with Ithaca Beer Company on this one! Beautiful location, incredible products, and I have watched them grow so much in the past decade or so and cannot wait to see what’s next.
WFYB: What would you say is the coolest brewery that you ever visited?
LT: Harpoon in the Boston Seaport! This tour was the most interactive tour I have ever been on, and there is something really special about having a flight overlooking the harbor on a beautiful sunny day. Honorable mentions in this category are Trillium, also in the Seaport, and The Alchemist in Stowe, VT.
WFYB: What’s one brewery (or beer) on your bucket list?
LT: I think I would actually die if I got to go to the original Guinness Brewery in Dublin, Ireland. The beer on my bucket list is Westvleteren 12 (look it up, it’s wild!), from Vleteren, Belgium.

WFYB: If someone asked you to do a beer share today, what would be the beers you’d put in your mixed pack to share with them?
LT: Great question! I'd have to say (in no particular order)
The Big Squeeze from Harpoon Brewing
Testarosa Raspberry/Hibiscus Ale from MotoSonora Brewing Company
WFYB: What is your preferred way to Work For Your Beer?
LT: My absolute favorite way to work for my beer is to do yoga! I love finding funky new poses that incorporate sipping or balancing my beer. Lately, I have also been getting my butt whooped in jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai, and I cannot recommend these two martial arts enough to anybody looking to build confidence. Additionally, I also enjoy paddle boarding, weightlifting, and swimming!
WFYB: Since you’ve been a part of the craft beer community, how have you seen it change (for better or for worse)?
LT: I LOVE THE NUMBER OF FEMALES COMING FORWARD IN THIS COMMUNITY. I think this community is incredible because all walks of life can come together and discuss the art and science of craft brewing, and it’s incredible.
WFYB: What advice would you give to someone considering getting involved in the craft beer community?
LT: I promise there are things other than IPAs!!!!! Okay no but really, the craft beer scene isn’t always a love-at-first-sight kinda deal. Keep going to breweries and supporting locally! Go with friends who maybe aren’t hardened veterans and convinced there is no way that gosé or that shandy could be any good. Craft beer is NOT one size fits all. Once you find your favorite local brewery, HYPE THEM UP. This could be purchasing six-packs either directly from the brewery or at your grocery store, spending an evening at the brewery rather than a bar downtown, sharing their upcoming events and releases on social media, and leaving positive, genuine reviews wherever possible.

Thank you to Liz for taking the time to share her story with us here on the Work For Your Beer blog — and cheers to even more opportunities to chat with incredible members of the craft beer community!
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