Meet Rocky Justice, Brewing Manager & Total Badass at Blowing Rock Brewing Company

We spend so much of our time at breweries, enjoying beers crafted by teams of talented brewers. But how often do we actually think about the labor that goes into creating those delicious craft beers from start to finish?

That's why we decided to start a new blog series about how brewers from beloved breweries around the country work for their beer!

Today, we're speaking with a brewery manager from Blowing Rock Brewing Company with perhaps the most badass attitude and name of all time: Rocky Justice.

Your name: Rocky Justice

Your Instagram handle: @moonshinemartini

Your Title at Blowing Rock Brewing Company: Brewing Manager

Your city: Boone, NC


When (and how) did your craft beer journey begin? 

I’ve always had a big interest in beer, starting from my dad’s homebrewing hobby when I was young (we even grew Cascade and Centennial in the backyard). But when I started working in the restaurant and bar at Blowing Rock Ale House, I stumbled into my passion. 

I became the brewing assistant within 3 months of starting behind the bar, and I’ve been here ever since! I’ve been behind a ton of the recipes that we have gone on to make full-time core beers, and I’ve really been working to bring new designs, vibrancy, and styles into the brand.  

What was your “gateway” craft beer, AKA the first one you tried that made you want to get into craft beer? 

I actually remember it too well: Carolina Strawberry by Foothills Brewing. I first tried it after I had started wanting something better than Blue Moon. Early on in my beer career, I really leaned into the lighter styles. Now I look at things like, “Well, is it 7% ABV or nah?”

What’s your go-to beer style? And what’s one beer in that style that you’d recommend trying? 

My go-to is a West Coast IPA or a German style lager — a helles, preferably. If there’s nothing that clean on tap, I will go for an unfiltered Belgian or something hazy. 

I’d recommend trying schwarzbier or other dark lagers, if ya see ‘em! They’re a little unique and rare for the south, but quite palatable and full of flavor. 

Is there a beer style out there that you just canNOT get into? If so, what? 

Is it weird to be like… “No”? Honestly, I dislike a lot of pale beer styles that are low in ABV, but mostly because of their blandness. However, I’ll try, and try to enjoy just about everything!

When did you start working for Blowing Rock Brewing? 

I began in August 2017 in the taproom, and I joined the brewing team full-time in July 2018.

What makes Blowing Rock Brewing unique? 

We are a really small team, doing a LOT to fulfill the needs of our customers, and trying to make it special and ours every step of the way. We are definitely a family.  

What’s your favorite beer you’ve ever brewed at Blowing Rock? 

My Belgian Tripel is the answer I want to give.... However, I think my Helles wins my heart.

If someone asked you to do a beer share today, what would be the six beers you’d put in your mixed pack to share with them? (Please name the brewery and the beer for each one you’d include!) 

There’s a lot I could probably add here, but some of my recent and all time favorites would be:

  1. Hofbräu Original Munchen Lager

  2. Brouwerij Bosteels Tripel Karmeliet

  3. 3 Floyds Brewing Permanent Funeral DIPA

  4. Anchorage Brewing Better This Way Imperial IPA

  5. Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale

  6. BlackStacks Brewing Little Spoon Cereal Milk Stout

I like tradition and trends, what can I say?

What’s your preferred way to Work For Your Beer? 

I love paddleboarding! Floating on the water is my favorite way to drink. I also love to dance and am always moving based on how I feel. This also means after a few strong IPAs!

Since you’ve been a part of the craft beer community, how have you seen it change (for better or for worse)? 

Well, the last year has been an interesting one for us, but for better or worse… I think people are “getting it” these days. We are destroying the archetype of what a craft brewer and drinker looks like, we are reading critical analyses of its social structure and business architecture, and it is breaking up the “boys’ club” in a few ways. 

There’s a lot to do and those dedicated to making it better are putting in the time. Sticking to our guns and keeping people healthy and safe has never been a greater priority. 

What advice would you give to a female considering getting involved in the craft beer community?  

Do it for you! Don’t listen to insecurity as much as you can.Trust yourself, your studies, analysis, and YOUR PALATE. Don’t let people talk over you. Raise your voice back. Be involved, get frustrated, but do not be discouraged. And always stay kind.

Know a brewer who works for their beer?

Send their info our way so we can feature them here on our blog! And be sure to follow @workforyourbeer on social media to stay plugged into the craft beer community. 


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