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12 Beer Yoga Poses You Need to Try

Top Beer Yoga Poses | Work For Your Beer

In case you missed it, beer yoga is a phenomenon that moved into the national spotlight after word got out about the Germans’ obsession with BierYoga. Beer yoga is certainly wildly popular, and we’ve been to a variety of beer yoga classes across the US.

So, what is beer yoga? It’s precisely what it sounds like: yoga class enjoyed along with a pint, bottle, can, or growler of your favorite beer. The key when it comes to beer yoga is finding balance—pun intended. Beer in moderation + yoga poses = the perfect combination.

Ready to join the zen, slightly buzzed party? Head to a brewery near you (or just buy a six-pack at your nearest supermarket, we don’t judge!) and try out these 12 beer yoga poses that will give you a good workout followed by a delicious (and healthy!) beer.

1. “Downward Drinking Dog” Pose

You’ll kick off your beer yoga practice with a twist on a classic: Downward-Facing Dog. Just add a beer (and probably a straw) and you’re set.

Beer Yoga Pose | Downward Drinking Dog

2. “Extended Swig-angle” Pose

Next, you’ll flow at your own pace into Triangle pose, opening your heart toward the ceiling while you take a swig of your beer.

Extended Swig-angle Pose | Beer Yoga Poses

3. “Hold My Drink” Pose

This Seated Spinal Twist pose gives your body a brief moment of detox (before you re-tox with that beer in your hand).

Hold My Drink Beer Yoga Pose

4. “Chug” Pose

Back on your feet! Get ready for your buns and thighs to burn as you chug your beer for the duration of your time in Chair ​pose.

Chug Pose | Chair Beer Yoga Pose

5. “Side Slurp” Pose

Work your arms and core with this play on Side Plank! Make sure you look up towards your beverage and prepare to grab a sip as you switch from one side to another.

Side Slurp Pose | Beer Yoga Pose

6. “Double Fisting” Pose

Grab two bottles, glasses, or cans of your favorite beer (or, in this instance, a stein) and prepare to test your balance in more ways than one with this version of Tree pose!

Double Fisting Pose | Beer Yoga Pose

7. “Cup Holder” Pose

Skip the koozie! Instead, hold your cup (or bottle, or can) between grateful, booze-loving prayer hands in this Yogi Squat (AKA Malasana) pose.

Yogi Squat | Beer Yoga Poses

8. “Cans at Heart Center” Pose

While you’re dropping it low, go ahead and make your way to seated for this version of Cobbler’s Pose (also known as Butterfly pose) — keep that can close to your heart and take some deep breaths.

Cans at Heart Center | Beer Yoga Pose

9. “Bendy Brewski” Pose

While you aren’t technically holding a beer here, this one is sure to impress your less flexible friends. Go ahead and pop up into Wheel Pose — you’ll definitely want a sip of beer once you slow your breath post-wheel.

Bendy Brewski, Wheel | Beer Yoga Pose

10. “Tipsy Dancer” Pose

Cheers a friend as you both lean into Dancer pose, opening your heart and grounding your standing foot to the mat.

Tipsy Dancer | Beer Yoga Pose

11. The “Beer Yogi” Pose

What’s the first pose you think of when you think of yoga? For us, it’s Warrior Pose. Thus, we’ve deemed this the “Beer Yogi” pose to embrace all of y’alls badassery.

Beer Yogi Pose | Warrior Pose

12. “Passed Out” Pose

By the end of your practice, you’ve earned your Savasana—and we promise not to judge you if you pass out here for a few minutes at the end of class!

Passed Out Pose | Beer Yoga

Love Beer Yoga? Show It Off!

Did we miss one of your favorite beer yoga poses? Tell us! Post a picture in your favorite beer yoga pose on social media and tag @workforyourbeer for your chance to be featured on our Instagram

Also, we need to give a huge shout-out to our pals at Lunahzon for shooting these incredible photos.

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