Stay Healthy & Productive From Home With A Weekly Habit Tracker (& A List of Habits to Track)
I'm not sure how social distancing has been going for you, but I've been struggling to stick to a normal routine. Some days I'm super on top of my goals and to-do list, and it almost feels like I'm living in a normal non-COVID-19 universe. Other days, I hit snooze four times and don't change out of my pajamas.
Now that we know we're all going to be staying home for at least another month, I'm really working on nailing down some semblance of a routine so that I can stay healthy and productive (and sane) from home until it's safe to return to normal life again.
So, I created a weekly habit tracker so I could hold myself accountable for my top goals each day of the week.
A Printable Weekly Habit Tracker
The simple act of checking off a box — or putting a gold star sticker on a box, if you're extra like me — can be more motivating than just telling yourself, "Yeah, yeah, I'll get to that eventually. It can wait until after the next time Netflix asks me if I'm still here."
For me, habit tracking is motivating for three primary reasons:
1. Printing out the tracker and hanging it somewhere I'll see it every day is a powerful visual reminder to follow through on each of these five habits I've selected.
2. Seeing the progress I've made day over day (the X's or gold stars in each of the daily boxes) makes it so I don't want to "break my streak," further motivating me to keep up with each habit.
3. Recording my success with in the moment (drawing that X or sticking on that gold star) feels super satisfying.
If you're interested, you can click here for a printable weekly habit tracker to help you prioritize the top five daily habits you'd like to complete this week, and to track your progress toward maintaining those habits.
Ideas for Habits to Track In A Habit Tracker
Whether you opt to print out our handy habit tracker above or you already have one of your own, your next step is to figure out what habits you'd like to track to help you stay healthy and productive from home over the coming week.
- Exercise
- Walk ___ steps
- Sleep ___ hours (or "Wake up by ___ AM" and "Go to bed by ___ PM")
- Drink ___ oz. of water
- Eat ___ meals
- Stay under ___ calories
- Take vitamins / medication
- Wash my face
- Floss my teeth
- Get dressed
- Make the bed
- Journal
- Meditate
- Read
- Walk the dog
- Call or video chat with a family member
- Call or video chat with a friend
- Spent quality time with S.O.
- Practice ___ skill
- Take part in ___ hobby
How are you staying productive and sane from home?
However you're managing to live a healthy, balanced lifestyle while social distancing, we want to know! Let us know in the comments below, or share with us on social media at @workforyourbeer.